Saturday, May 8, 2010

Um... one MONTH later...

I know, I am the worst blogger ever. I am like the Haley's comet of the blogosphere. I am here now, however, so in the immortal words of Heath Ledgers Joker " we... go."

I haven't booked anything since my last post. I've had a few auditions. It is hard to tell if things are picking up, because the one moment things seem to get busy... they slow again. I had an interesting audition for a pilot called "Pets Welcome Here." A show all about places you can take your pet... from vacation destinations to restaurants and attractions. I haven't heard anything back from them.... I don't think I got it, I didn't feel like I had the right look for what they had in mind. I know I truthfully don;t know what they are thinking and sometimes it must seem I am the most negative person in the world when it comes to my prospective employment... however, it is quite the opposite. I am a positive thinker, but I also have enough experience to know that often times it doesn't matter how well you perform in an audition. What it can ultimately come down to is do you fit the look. I felt I had a really good audition for "Pets Welcome Here", likewise I feel fairly certain I am not what the are looking for. "Why even audition?" you may be thinking. Auditioning is an actors real job. You must become a master of the audition. I look forward to each and every audition regardless as to whether or not I will or wont get the job. It is a performance opportunity for the day.

Today however was different. I was supposed to have a callback for a SAG national Milkbone commercial... for those who don't know, that is like the  golden goose of the commercial world. I was en route, with my dog in tow. This was a spot with dog owners and their beloved pets. I thought my chances were pretty good because I have a beautiful dog. I'm not just saying she's beautiful because I'm partial... see for yourself just below... If you didn't already say "awwwww" I'll be shocked... Alas on my way to the audition I hit some unexpected traffic, it is Saturday after all and not much going on in the part of town where the audition is being held, none the less it sets me back on by about 10 minutes. I figure, that's not a huge disparity, I won't worry. I get a call that I have to let go to voicemail. I check it and it is the Production Manager letting me know they are wrapping up with some folks, wanted to verify that I was on my way and they would see me soon. I call back and explain i am about 10 minutes behind due to traffic.  I am now only about 4 minutes from the destination, it's taken me a good hour and a half to get here by now, and the phone rings. I answer. It's production saying, "sorry, but the director decided to pack up and we're done for the day... sorry" I couldn't believe it. My poor dog for one, not used to long car trips has endured this one for nothing... not to mention me, the human that really needs this opportunity. I was soooo close, I told them... but a sorry was all I got in return. I still went to the location and walked the dog, she deserved that much. Perhaps also motivated by the fact that I wanted them to see how close I was to them after having turned me away. It didn't make a damn bit of difference. The old adage rings true.. you can't win 'em all.

On the good news front, I have a shoot Monday. It's an industrial. Hopefully it goes well and more of these come in the future.

On the very serious front, there is a strong possibility my mother has breast cancer. If you are a believer, please take a moment to pray for her. If not just send positive vibes her way. Her name is Judy Moore. Thanks for your consideration.