Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Next week and a half...

So, It's been another hot minute. I get busy... what can I say? At least it's half the time since the last entry. I'd say that's marked improvement. When I last left you I was talking about an improv show... so it's only appropriate that I start here with more of the same. I've been teaching improv to high schools for a few years now. I help them start or refine a troupe. My most recent group has been challenging because they are so new to the concept. This lack of experience is showing itself in loads of doubt for these young improvisors. It's an interesting hurdle for me personally, because I am having to find new ways to bring the best out of these people. I am a very patient and understanding person so I've not been too hard on them... though I have caught myself getting frustrated from time to time. The one thing you can't do with a fledgling performer is be overly harsh. You could squash the ability right out of them. Our show is in a week. I've been working with them since September... we'll see how it goes.

I had a show for a group recently that started great and ended with a thud. Usually when you get the audience on stage with you, you win. They want to see their own up there with the pros. That held true at one point in the show. Then the final game required an individual with a skill set in communication. I take the volunteer out of the room and give a small demo of what to do... well, this young lady, despite her extreme enthusiasm when volunteering, was as dense as they come. She was unable to decipher that I was knocking on and answering a door during my demo. I knew it was going to be a long game at this point. Oh, by the way, this game is all playing in gibberish. When I explained this to the young lady she told me, "I have a book where I created seven different languages... the problem is I don't have that book with me today." This may not sound like such a disaster to a non-improvisor... but trust me, this is the kind of person that brings an awesome show to a complete halt. That's pretty much what happened... the needle across the record.

The rest of the week was very busy... awesome! I had a couple of improv show that went well. I also had a few auditions. One in particular for a sketch show. I doubt I will get it for three reasons... 1) it is a national search, 2) I am at the high end of the age range for which they are looking (and I actually look even older), 3) it is an "urban" sketch comedy show... I am as lily as they come... but, we shall see.

Oh, I did book the TLC job... it's actually a cross promo with Clorox. It was a fun little job. I love working in front of the camera... if i had my druthers, I would be working on a set every day. Maybe some day soon. I just have to keep on keeping on.